External Communications Committee (ECC) Report to the 2014 AGM
Membership: (Appointed June 16, 2012) Linda Lan (Alberta) – Chair, Jay Chan (UBC), Dean Smith (CDA) – consultant.
Since the 2013 AGM, the ECC focused on three projects:
- Determining website structure and functionality, including navigation requirements
- Developing website content.
- Determining email address options for consideration by the Executive and Council
The Committee determined the template and format of websites and Dean Smith set up the skeleton of the website. Headings, subheadings, navigation and language switch options were determined.
In June 2013, the Council created a Website Development Team (WDT) which focused on identifying the initial information to be posted to the website.
The Executive discussed options for appropriate emails addresses, considering marketing/branding issues as well as ease of use. Unilingual (@fcdsa.ca and @faemdc.ca) and bilingual (@fcdsa-faemdc.ca) options were considered. The Executive agreed that a full discussion by the whole Council was warranted so that the views of the French schools could be considered. As an initial step, it was agreed to use secretariat@fcdsa.ca on the English version of the website. It was noted that the French version would be launched once the content is translated. By then, the Council will have had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the options and reached a decision. If needed, @fcdsa.ca can easily be changed to @fcdsa-faemdc.ca at no additional cost.
To equally represent English and French, the committee decided to have two domains, with links that allow the user to toggle between the languages. The general navigation of the website is also set up and is awaiting content.
In early June, the website was populated with initial English content. French content will be added as soon as the translations are finalized. More details are available from the report of the Website Development Team.
This report sets the stage for discussion of the official email address(es) for FCDSA and a number of proposed resolutions are included below.
Summary and Reflection
The expertise of Dean Smith was invaluable and paramount in determining website format and navigation. Further development of English and French content is needed. The ECC also wishes to obtain feedback from the Council, the member associations and other students regarding the content and functionality of the website, so that the WDT might adjust its work as needed.
As the work of the WDT relates strongly to the work of the ECC, the ECC would like the Council to consider whether the WDG should report to the ECC instead of to the Executive and/or Council.
Next Steps
- Complete translation of initial content and post to French website.
- Invite feedback on content and functionality, possibly using a survey.
- Using feedback received, troubleshoot problem areas.
- Identify content areas to be developed and work with WDT to develop content.
- Ask Council to increase the number of members on the ECC.
- Ask Council to consider having WDT report to the ECC.
- Ask Council to name members of the ECC and WDT for 2014-2015.
- Present email address options to the Council for consideration.
Proposed Resolutions
BE IT RESOLVED that the terms of reference for the Website Development Team (WDT) be amended so that the WDT reports to the External Communications Committee.
BE IT RESOLVED that the membership of the composition of the External Communications Committee will increased to four members (including the Chairperson) plus staff/other consultants as needed.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Website Development Team continue to develop content for the website based on feedback received.
BE IT RESOLVED that the following be adopted as the official email address for initial contact with FCDSA:
secretariat@fcdsa.ca AND secretariat@faemdc.ca
And that other “alias” email addresses be established by the Executive as needed for the efficient and effective conduct of FCDSA business.